When Leily was in the hospital, the nurses used to wrap the babies. They said it helps them to sleep because it is comforting for them. We found this to be very helpful. Not only did it help Leily to sleep, it also helped when she was overtired.
The recommended use of wraps is:
0 to 3 months = full wrap
3 to 5-6 months = half wrap
After the 5 months it’s recommended to use a sleeping bag. This helps to keep the baby warm inside her cot or even car-seat (see how it has a hole for the belt at the bottom). It’s after this age they start to kick a lot and when they are sleeping they move too, which results in them moving the blanket off and getting cold. Also having a blanket on the car-seat for example doesn’t always work with the wind and moving it from here and there, having the baby in a sack helps a lot.
Still now when Leily gets too overtired, we wrap her to calm her down...
Some authors, recommend using the sack at 5 months, so the baby gets use to it, because introducing it later might be harder. It can be used up to 1.5 years.
The wrap doesn’t need to be anything especial, a thin cotton blanket folded from top left corner to bottom right corner, can be easily used as a wrap.
The sack though is harder to get away with.
Remember that every product should be 100% cotton (see post about cotton here)
We bought ours from babysense