Monday, June 22, 2009


But not done…

We finished our “crazy schedule”, and Anisa is “officially” a lawyer.

I’m back at work during the day, so I have “more” time…

There are many posts I didn't upload (products, a few rants, Leily’s time in the hospital, etc…) and will upload them one by one.

Also, I will still post my experience as a father, even though I’m not a “full time” dad anymore…

Sorry for the delay :)

Monday, January 19, 2009

And I’m back :)

So, After two weeks of holidays, our first wedding as a “family” (as apposed to a couple), starting Leily on solids (which I have to say it’s A LOT more time consuming and messy than giving her milk 6 times a day) and a one week of “getting back to my routine”, I’m back...

And this is my first confession, of the blog.

Parenting is HARD, YES I said it...

And for all those parents who came into this blog and said “what is this dude thinking? when is he going to have the time to keep a blog?” you were right. There is NO TIME.